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2016-06-02 15:12:31 浏览量:[]

政治与文化的互动:唐宋时期的成都游宴活动探微..................................................... 杨倩丽
“中世纪城市革命”与唐宋时期城市违章建筑研究............................................ 李永 张春兰
略论宋代法律文明的历史影响 ............................................................................王晓龙 张泽伦
理学的实践面相:真德秀法律思想研究 .........................................................................李勤通
宋代御药院殿试管理职权的演变 .....................................................................................夏亚飞
宋代的天文管理探论 赵贞

“靖康之难”中金军围汴造成的生态灾难 聂传平
宋高宗朝的遣川陕特使与四川政局 王化雨
地理制约与权力博弈:南宋绍兴前期川陕军粮论争 何玉红
南宋与金战争中的环境影响力——以淮南地区为例………………………………刘缙  康蕾
成吉思汗征服南宋战略计划考 石坚军 张晓非

宋代科举策问形态研究 方笑一
熙宁科举改革与八股文的起源………………………………………………………………杨 鑫
三苏文论源于田锡说………………………………………………………………王益鸣 王仿生
张载《西铭》与儒家宗法共同体的想象性构建——以“亲亲尊尊”的礼秩原则为视角…符 鹏

《宋史•陈与义传》补正 刘云军  马爱萍

《续资治通鉴长编》载“刘随罚铜事”质疑 仝相卿
《夷坚志》所见宋代僧道的另一面(上) 刘树友

华风与夷俗:辽朝皇帝丧葬仪相关问题刍议 王凯
辽朝侍卫亲军体制新探——兼辨《辽史•百官志》“黄龙府侍卫亲军”诸问题 赵宇
金代治河文献《树石埽记》考释 李浩楠

宋代基层治理研究:概念、范式与方法 廖寅  骆忠军
行朝决策映像与研究方法反思——《辽朝政治中心研究》评介 高福顺  铁颜颜

Political and Cultural Interaction: Tour and Feast Activity of Chengdu in Tang and Song Dynasties…………………………………………………………………………Yang Qianli
A Study on the illegal construction in the Tang and Song Dynasties from the Perspective of 'the Medieval Urban Revolution'……………………………………………Liu Yong Zhang Chunlan
discussions on the history influence of law civilization in song dynasty …………Wang Xiaolong
The Practice of Science:Study of Zhen Dexiu Legal Thought………………………Li Qintong
The Evolution of the Function of Imperial Pharmacy Managing the Palace Examination in the Song Dynasty………………………………………………………………………………Xia Yafei
A preliminary study on financial accounting books of county in Song Dynasty…………Yang Fan
Astronomical administration in Song dynasty…………………………………………Zhao Zhen
The building principle of local government agencies in Song Dynasty………………Chen Ling

The ecological disaster caused by The forces of Jin Dynasty encompassed Dongjing City in Jingkang Calamity………………………………………………………………Nie Chuanping
A Study on Fan Ruwei's uprising in early Southern Song Dynasty…………(Korea)Jin Rongwan
The Ombudsmen sent to Sichuan and shanxi in the period of gaozong of the Song Dynasty………………………………………………………………………… Wang Huayu
Geographical Constraints and the Game of Power
On the Army Provisions in the Zones of Sichuan and Shannxi in Early Shaoxing Period of the Southern Song Dynasty…………………………………………………………… He Yuhong
The Effect of Environment on the War between Song and Jin Dynasty
                                  ——A Case Study in Huainan……Liu Jin  Kang Lei
A Study on Chinggis Khan Conquering the Southern Song Dynasty Strategy…………Shi Jianjun

A Study on the Shape of the Policy Questions in the Civil Service Examination in Song China…………………………………………………………………………Fang  Xiaoyi 
The Reform of Imperial Examination in Xining Period and the Origin of Eight-part Essay………………………………………………………………………………Yang Xin
SanSu's Literary theory was born from TianXi……………………Wang Yiming Wang Fngsheng
The Meaning of Zhang Zai's article Xi Ming for the Imaginary Construction of Community of Confucian Patriarchal Clan System ——From the View of the Principle of Confucian Rite Named ‘Qinqin Zunzun’…………………………………………………………………………Fu Peng
The discussions on the thought of protection policy about of Places of interest in the Song Dynasty
……………………………………………………………………………………Zheng Shengming

The Deviation and Achievement of 'ShangShu "in Song Dynasty……………………Liu Shi-ming
Compiling and Spreading of History of Song Dynasty Three Years Before Zhizheng Emperor’S Rule in Yuan Dynasty----- History of Song Dynasty in literature of Yuan Dynasty…Xiong Yanjun
Correction on Chen Yuyi Biography of Songshi………………………………………Liu YunJun
The doubt about "Liu Sui was fined" in "Xu Zizhitongjian Changbian"…………Tong Xiangqing
The other side of the Monks and priests in the Song Dynasty from Yijianzhi…………Liu Shuyou
Image creation and Identity recognition: The text interpretation of the Zhao Junwang( huaien) epitaph……………………………………………………………………………………Qu Bin

Researches on the Historical Materials of XI…………………………………………Wang Lijuan
Study on funeral rites of the emperors in liao dynasty……………………………………Wang Kai
A New Study of the Imperial Personal Army in the Liao Dynasty………………………Zhao Yu
The Research of the govermance of the Yellow River literature—ShuShiSaoJi in Jin Dynasty………………………………………………………Li Haonan
Cheng Jufu's life and his writings……………………………………………………………Li Xiao
Research on the Basic Social Governance of the Song Dynasty :Concepts, Paradigms and Methods……………………………………………………………………………………Liao Yin
The Rethinking about Reflection of Policy Decision and Methodology on the Migrating Court―A Comment on the Study about PoliticalCenter in the Liao Dynasty………Gao Fushun  Tie Yanyan

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